The defamation of pope pius xii biography

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    Book ReviewThe Defamation of Pius XII

    Mark Dittman is associate editor of Catholic Exchange. Also a freelance writer, Mark's writing has appeared in the National Catholic Register, Lay Witness, and Catholic Dossier.

    The defamation of pope pius xii biography

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    (This review originally appeared in the National Catholic Register.)

    Who is this man who was beloved by two generations but whose “silence” during World War II is now attacked by the media?

    Anyone who studies the historical record will see that the answer is simple: Pius XII was not silent.

    He spoke out, directly and often, both personally and through his cardinals, bishops, priests and religious.

    Throughout Europe, including within the Vatican's walls, Catholics hid Jews, papal nuncios protested Nazi atrocities, and bishops raised their voices.

    In fact, in some cases Jews protested the Church's condemnations of the Nazis, for some protests precipitated savage Nazi reprisals