Emma donoghue biography

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    Emma Donoghue

    Born in Dublin in 1969, I am an award-winning novelist, screenwriter, playright, and historian, living in Canada with my family.

    US/Canadian readers, come meet me on tour with my new novel The Paris Express, inspired by an 1895 railway disaster:

    • March 17, event at Odyssey Bookshop, South Hadley, Massachusetts https://www.odysseybks.com/event/emma-donoghue-person
    • March 18 interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe, lunchtime event at Long Beach Public Library, New York, evening event with Andrea Lawlor at Center for Fiction, Booklyn, NY and livestreamed https://centerforfiction.org/event/the-center-for-fiction-presents-emma-donoghue-on-the-paris-express-with-andrea-lawlor/
    • March 19 event with Siobhan Phillips at Midtown Scholar, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania https://midtownscholar.squarespace.com/calendar/2025/3/19/an-evening-with-emma-donoghue-the-paris-express
    • March 20 event with Tayla Burney at Politics & Prose, Washington DC https://politics-prose.com/
    • March 2