Abby wambach soccer quotes
Abby Wambach Quotes (Author of WOLFPACK) - Goodreads.
Abby wambach soccer quotes
Abby Wambach > Quotes
“Failure is not something to be ashamed of—nor is it proof of unworthiness. Failure is something to be powered by. When we live afraid to fail, we don’t take risks.
We don’t bring our entire selves to the table—so we end up failing before we even begin. Let’s stop worrying: What if I fail? Instead, let’s promise ourselves: When I fail, I’ll stick around.”
― Abby Wambach, WOLFPACK: How to Come Together, Unleash Our Power and Change the Game
“Leadership is taking care of yourself and empowering others to do the same.
Leadership is not a position to earn, it’s an inherent power to claim.
Hope solo soccer
Leadership is the blood that runs through your veins—it’s born in you. It’s not the privilege of a few, it is the right and responsibility of all. Leader is not a title that the world gives to you—it’s an offering that you give to the world.”
― Abby Wambach, WOLFPACK: How to Come Toget