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With some people, life and sensitivity are expressed through pictures. Others use words as their medium. As for me I find an outlet in music. Some artists have several of these talents and that may be one reason why they impress many people so strongly.
I believe that talent can be inherited, but that its manifestation is not a foregone conclusion, no matter the choices of the parents.
In my case music was the magnet.
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Notes rather than words.
My best moments as a musician happen when, in the middle of a concert/recital, I realize that everything feels right, that all components are coming together, creating a heady surge of happiness.
It´s rather like aiming at a tiny target: You hardly ever hit, yet suddenly it´s right in the bull´s-eye.
It may leave you completely astonished – was that me?
It feels as if it´s flowing through you, and when that happens you have somehow been made the medium of music. In those lucky moments you are not just someone playing an instrument, bu