Siddhicharan shrestha biography of barack

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    Biography of Siddhi Charan Shrestha

    Biography of Siddhi Charan Shrestha
    Siddhi Charan Shrestha [],the son of prosperous newar land owner was another member of the generation of poet that laid the foundations of the twentieth century Nepali verse.

    Siddhicharan shrestha biography of barack

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  • He was considered as the 'Yuga Kabi' .His poetry has much In common with Devkota'sthough its mworded and calmer in Devvkota's ,Shrestha was a romantic who rebelled against the shortcomings of the Rana most famous poems ,'Mero Pyaro Okhaldhunga' looks back nostalgically at thesimplicityof the poets life as a child in the eastern Nepal and therefore compares the presentunfavorablywith the past and the city with the village.

    The poem was regarded as a political statement but it could equally be argued that it means no mere than it says. Many of Shrestha's poems,specially those written during the 's were clearly meant to make the poitical points,but he was at his best while

    writing sensitive personal poems such as 'Mero Choro()'a non metr